Standard Requirements - Electric Mobility
Depending on the function mode (driving mode and charging mode) an approval (e, E) as well as a self certification for the CE-Mark is required.
The following list refers to vehicles covered by the frame directive 2007/46/EC and charging in the civil (private) ambience only. If required, we can also provide the requirements for other vehicle categories. This list does not claim completeness and is continuously developed. At the moment the integration of the charging mode components into the approval process is discussed (i.e. in the EMC sector with Regulation ECE R10-05).
Homologation for Road Traffic (e, E-Mark)
The regulations especially interesting for electric vehicles in driving mode are:
Regulation ECE R10 ("old directive" 2004/104/CE - electromagnetic compatibility)
- Regulations ECE R100 (safety; specific requirements for the electric power train)
- Regulation ECE R101 (electric energy consumption and electric range)
- Regulation ECE R85 (net power and maximum 30 minutes power of electric drive trains)
Obviously all other regulations necessary for a
"normal" homologation according to Directive
2007/46/CE shall be considered as well.
CE-Marking (EMC, electric safety, batteries)
The basic standards regarding the
function state "charging mode" (in
the private ambience) are:
- Directive 2004/108/EC (elettromagnetic compatibility)
- Directive 2006/95/EC (low voltage directive) - both for high voltage of the vehicles battery of 200 to 400 V DC and also because of the connection to the 230 / 400 V AC electrical power network
- Directive 2006/66/EC (batteries and accumulators)
Important for the evaluation during charging are the standards IEC 61851-21, IEC61000-3,4, CISPR 16-1-2, ISO10605 and ISO1145x-2. For present tests, FAKT advises to already consider the prescriptions according to ECE-R10-05.
Obviously also the electromagnetic environment has to be considered (IEC/TR 61000-2-5) as well as the requirements of CISPR 22. If charging is accompanied by radio data exchange also the requirements according to R&TTE (directive 1999/5/EC) shall be considered.
Other (Magnetic Field)
Different problem areas such as i.e. DC power lines between battery and engine or AC power lines between converter and E-Motor, recharge cable for high current charging, inductive charging, ... should be examined.
So far on European Level for the general public only a Council recommendation exists (1999/519/CE).